Stack of 4 pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, and topped with blueberries and bananas on a red plate.CategoriesNutrition

Tasty Protein Pancakes with a Sprinkle of Nutrition

Tasty Protein Pancakes With a Sprinkle of Nutrition

Pancake day, also known as ‘Shrove Tuesday’, is a day when many of us indulge in a stack (or three) of tasty fried batter, with a generous drizzle of your favourite toppings.


It’s a given that pancake day isn’t usually a day focused around nutrition, however for some, you want may plan your toppings and ingredients around your personal fitness and intake goals. Here is a recipe recommended by our Lead Sport Performance Nutritionist!



  • 200-250ml dairy or non-dairy milk
  • 50g oats
  • 1 egg (optional)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • Toppings of choice
Egg and flour in a mixing bowl with egg shells surrounding bowl


How to make your protein pancakes


Step 1:

Blend the oats, protein powder and baking powder together in a blender

Step 2 :

Add the milk and half the banana and blend the 5 ingredients together

Step 3:

Heat a small amount of oil/oil spray in a pan and pour the mixture to the desired size

Step 4:

Check when the pancake is ready to flip by lifting the edges with a spatula to see where the pancake is stuck

Step 5:

One cooked through, flip the pancake and overcook it on the other side

Step 6:

Alternate the cooking between the sides until golden brown

Step 7:

Repeat temps 3-6 until all the mixture has been used


Banana pancakes with caramel sauce
Nut butter in a jar
Pancakes drizzled in syrup and covered with strawberries and blueberries

This is where the fun really starts…choosing your pancake toppings! Toppings are both a great way to add extra flavours and textures to your pancakes, but also to incorporate more nutrient-rich foods into each bite. Depending on which nutrients you want to focus on, here are some tasty toppings to inspire your tastebuds and help you achieve your goals (especially if you develop the pancake bug and start craving them daily)!


Banana slices, jam or honey can provide some additional carbohydrates to help you fuel for, or refuel after a workout or run.


Nut butters are a great source of healthy fats and energy if you are looking to gain mass or increase your energy intake.

General health/weight loss


Generally, fresh or frozen berries help support overall health and are a good to include in all diets. They can also enhance weight loss efforts as they are fibre and nutrient rich to keep you satisfied and help meet daily micronutrient needs.

Enjoy your pancakes!


The key to pancake day is to fully enjoy them. If that means a healthy serving of Nutella, go for it! If you have a strict routine to support your sport performance, you can still enjoy the more indulgent toppings in moderation.

Pancakes drizzled in chocolate sauce and topped with strawberries
Image of Hockey scholars in their UB New Balance kit at the hockey pitchesCategoriesStudent News

Talented Hockey Scholars Selected for EDP Programme

Talented Hockey Scholars Selected for GB EDP Programme 2023

Four of our Elite Dual Career Athlete Pathway (EDCAP) scholars have been selected for the highly competitive GB Elite Development Programme (EDP) 2023. This programme is designed for Hockey players who are identified as having the potential to be medal-winning Olympians, providing them with opportunities to excel and reach their full performance potential at an international level.


Evie, Millie, Betsan, Emma (from left to right) are part of our Women 1’s Hockey Club, representing the Lions at various national and international Hockey events.


We asked them a few questions about their recent success!

What aspect of the EDP Programme have you found most valuable so far?


‘I think just the experiences it gives you, so going on tournaments abroad – we had the World Cup last year which was an incredible experience. It kind of sets you up for more than just Hockey.’- Emma (reselected for the EDP)


For me, it’s great to keep the contact with a lot of the girls I’ve been playing with for such a long time. It’s just nice socially to go and have a good time and play at a high standard.’ – Millie (reselected for the EDP)

What part of the programme are you most looking forward to?


I’m most excited to meet new people and play Hockey at the highest level. Coming from a University that already provides good Hockey, I now get to try my hardest in a new environment’. – Betsan (new to the EDP)

Betsan in action on the pitch
Emma sat with Hockey team

How has the support from the EDCAP programme helped you with your goals?


I think we’re lucky to have such good coaches here, Chris helps so much on the pitch with sessions twice a week, then we have Mark in the gym, and then we have Nutritionists and Physiotherapists that keeps us well and taped up, so we can still be playing and training.’ | Evie (reselected for EDP)


It’s always flexible, at any given point you can pop in and see someone and get advice or change a session if you need to change it. So the availability of the support here is world-class.‘ | Millie

Hockey Goalkeeper Evie Wood in action
Millie Gigglio in action on the pitch

What’s the next thing you’re working towards?


‘The next big tournament is the Junior World Cup in Chile in December, and then there’s just other smaller tournaments and training camps.’- Emma

What would your advice be to anyone looking to get into Hockey?

I think definitely surround yourself with people who have similar objectives to you, like if you can go out there and join a team that is a standard that you aspire to be that really helps. Take a look at your life as a whole, we put in a lot of work off the pitch as well on the pitch, it doesn’t just come down to what you do on a training day or a game, it comes down to your decisions the minute you wake up to the minute you go to sleep. I guess take more of a holistic approach to it.‘- Millie

Big congratulations to our scholars on this incredible achievement. We can’t wait to see what they go on to accomplish through the programme as a result of their hard work and commitment to Hockey! 

To learn more about our sport scholarships, check out our dedicated webpage

Interested in joining a Hockey team? We have a number of opportunities for you to get involved, ranging from beginner level all the way up to competitive.

Photo credits: Eva Gilbert and Nathan Styles Porter

sunlight peaking through a plantCategoriesNutrition

How to boost your Vitamin D levels

How to boost your vitamin D levels

Meet Rachel, our Lead Performance Nutritionist who supports our scholars and performance teams to ensure their diets are optimised for training and overall wellbeing.


Rachel got into Sports Nutrition after completing her undergraduate degree in Human Nutrition. She went on to complete a Master’s degree in Sports Nutrition having played competitive sports for most of her life and is currently completing her PhD in Energy Availability!


In this blog, Rachel provides her top tips on how to boost your vitamin D levels through food and supplements.


Why do we need vitamin D?


Vitamin D is essential for bone health, muscle recovery and immunity and therefore for athletes to feel and perform optimally. Our primary source of vitamin D is exposure to sunlight. However, during the winter months in the UK, sunlight is not strong enough for us to meet vitamin D requirements. This leaves individuals at risk of deficiency and comprised muscle recovery, bone health and immunity.

Sources of vitamin D


Vitamin D can be found in small amounts in foods such as oily fish and eggs, however, the amounts are typically too small  to meet demands. Therefore, it is recommended that most individuals in the UK supplement vitamin D during the winter months (between October and March).

Individuals, particularly those with health conditions, should check with their doctor or healthcare professional prior to supplementing. You can check out the NHS page here for more advice and information.

Egg yolks in a bowl

Considerations for Athletes


If you are an athlete that is supplementing, you need to be aware of Clean Sport and checking your supplements. You can be tested at any time, and if found to have anything in your system that goes against the World Anti-Doping Code (2021), it could potentially cost you your whole career! Find out more about how you can check your supplements here, and don’t take any risks. 

Find out more about our sport nutrition services and how we help our athletes build the best nutrition plans to help them perform.

New Balance logo next to UoB Sport & FitnessCategoriesStudent News

Time for a new look: New Balance x UoB


This year saw the University of Birmingham kit project being taken on by New Balance, a multi-year partnership for the supply of all our playing kit, training wear, leisurewear and sport staff uniform. This was an incredibly exciting step for the University – not only were we able to bring this global brand to our students, but it meant a new look, especially for the teamwear. 

Traditionally, our gold lion directly from the University crest has been synonymous with Sport, and this very much still plays a part in our identity – our teams, athletes and participants are Birmingham Lions, and we are extremely proud of being part of that Pride. But, when this opportunity presented itself, we knew it was time to design a kit that felt representative of everyone on campus – however sporty or not you are. Because we are one community, and we wanted to create a kit that connected the whole campus, and everyone who is a part of it.


It was important to us to honour the history of the red from the University crest for the teamwear, ensuring our players can stand out proudly on game days. But how to ensure that people would want to be a part of the community and don the kit, even if they weren’t competing?


After a number of ideas and designs, working with elements like the lion, the University skyline, and Old Joe, it was clear that one iconic building stood out and was a fondly-regarded symbol of the campus – our clock tower. As any UoB alumni will proudly attest, Old Joe – named after Joseph Chamberlain, the first Chancellor – is the tallest free-standing clocktower in the world, and will probably be the first thing people say when offering facts about the University’s story.


This is how the patterned design on our teamwear came to be. A geometric representation of the clock face is repeated across the bottom half of our kit – in a subtle nod to our campus.

For those not playing for a club, a leisurewear range – comfortable loungewear to wear anywhere – is also in the pipeline. Stay tuned – we will be announcing when this is available to buy soon!

We are excited to be working with their product design team on other projects, focusing on specific designs for key underrepresented groups. All in all, it’s a very exciting time to be part of the Pride and we are delighted to be partnering with this global brand.