Scholar Ollie Morgan performing the backstroke, arm out of the water wearing a red hat.CategoriesStudent News

Five Minutes With: Oliver Morgan

Five minutes with: Oliver Morgan

From BUCS medals and breaking UoB Club Records, to completing the backstroke treble at the British Championships and competing for Great Britain against the best in the world, 2023 has been a year to remember for current Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Sciences student and Elite Sport Scholar Ollie Morgan.

Following his incredible debut at the World Aquatics Championships in Fukuoka (Japan) in August – in which Ollie placed 9th in both the 100m and 200m backstroke, as well as 5th in the Medley Relay – Ollie has since been identified for further support from British Swimming as part of their World Class Performance Pathway, and secured his place as ‘One to Watch’ going forward.

Ollie Morgan in the pool looking up at the camera. Wearing a swimming hat and goggles.

We caught up with Ollie to hear more about his breakthrough year, how he manages to balance his studies alongside elite sport and what he’s got his sights set on next.

Q: It’s safe to say that the 2022-23 season has been the biggest of your career so far; what do you put this progression and success down to?


A: I’ve had a lot of progression whilst being at the University of Birmingham and I think it’s got to come down to the team that we’ve built around me. Whether it be strength & conditioning, Gary [Coach and Head of Swimming at UoB], or through things like physio, sports massage, nutrition, psychology…and being supported to manage my studies alongside swimming this year through being a scholar. The level that we’ve reached has been a lot higher due to the fact that I’ve got that excellent team around me to help support me and my needs.

Q: If you could sum up your debut World Championships’ experience in 3 words, what words would you choose?


A: I think I’ve got to go with: AMAZING. It was just an incredible experience to be there and be part of that GB team. I think the next one has got to be MOTIVATING – going there, being so close to making those individual finals and also being so close to making the medals in the relay was so motivating, especially moving into next year when we’ve got the Olympic Games. It’s just going to help motivate me through next season and again if I make another World Championships. Making those finals was a big thing. I think the last word has got to be FUN. It was just such good fun to be out there racing the top guys in the world and to come away with the performances that I did.

Q: As well as the competition itself, what was your experience of Japan whilst you were there?


A: Being in Japan for a World Championship was incredible and the country itself was too. It was such a different experience to being over here in the UK, but you know, everyone was so friendly – the local community all came together. For example, when we were in Kagoshima for our camp, they were so welcoming – they gave us loads of free gifts and things and yeah, just welcomed us into the community and hopefully we’ll be able to go back at some point. It really was just incredible.

Q: What – if anything – has changed for you following your performances at the World Championships?

A: Following my performances at the World Championships, nothing really has changed – the mindset is still there. You know, I’m still so hungry to move forward and get back into training. I didn’t really have much time off over summer, I had a maybe a week of no training, but I was just so hungry to get back into it! The main change going forward is the amount of support I now have access to from British Swimming as part of their World Class Performance Programme, which is only going to strengthen my set-up further as they work alongside my University support team.

Q: How do you feel your time at the University of Birmingham so far – and especially your time working with the Performance Centre practitioners as part of your elite sport scholarship – has helped you progress to the level at which you are competing now?


A: Being a part of the scholarship program has been so beneficial to me. I think I’ve delved into a lot of support with, you know, physios, S&C, nutrition, psychology, performance lifestyle…everything. I think it’s really helped me move to that next step in my career where now I’m competing on an international stage and representing Great Britain. I think it’s really helped me to have that personalised program and having people around me that can support my needs, and also look into things like injury prevention and what I can do in my diet, for instance, to really boost my performance.

Q: How do you manage to balance your studies alongside training and competing at an elite standard?


A: Being a student-athlete at the University of Birmingham has been amazing for me so far and balancing my studies alongside my swimming has been really quite straightforward, if I’m honest. Everyone around me, the course Wellbeing Team as well, have been so supportive and helpful in helping me sort out extensions for if I have competitions on during deadlines and it’s really helped take that pressure off of me and keep myself organised.

Q: What do you love most about being a part of the University’s Swimming Club?


A: There are so many things I love about being a part of the University of Birmingham Swim Club. I think one of the main things is the relationship that we all have together and the fact that we turn up to training and have a good time. I don’t think there’s anything better than being able to go to training knowing that it’s going to be fun and you’re going to enjoy it. And the fact that everyone’s there to push themselves and be able to push you to that next level. But also I think the relationship that I have with Gary; how we train and how we push ourselves is really, really good, which I can honestly say has made me the swimmer that I am today.

Q: After such a huge year in terms of your progression, what will you be setting your sights on in 2024?


A: Moving forward into next season after a big year of competing, my number one goal is to make the Olympic team. I want to be a part of that team, make my first Olympic Games, and for it to only be in Paris, you know, it’s probably one of the closest we can get to our home games in the future.


And I think moving forward as well, I really want to be able to push my limits in the 100/200 and be a part of both of those at the Olympic Games. Hopefully get a medal or even, well, a gold medal in the medley relay with the other guys. To be able to break the British record in the hundred is definitely a big goal of mine too.

What They Said…

From an overall training perspective, the primary goal for Ollie and his team (including Head Coach Gary Humpage, Strength and Conditioning Coach Vasil Todorov, Performance Nutritionist Rachel Chesters, Performance Lifestyle Coach Joanna Eley and Physiotherapist Mike Gosling) was – and continues to be – to improve his overall swimming performance by seeking out small wins available in both his training and lifestyle. The practitioners work closely and collaboratively to ensure every intervention put in place is both relevant and beneficial to Ollie’s performance in the pool.

I worked closely with Ollie both on the run-up to the British Championships and the Worlds. We monitored his weight and body composition to make sure he was hitting the numbers he competes well at and ensuring he didn’t drop to race weight too quickly. Some of his nutrition support was focused around travelling and immunity, but a lot of work was put into ensuring his race day fuelling strategy was optimal for him”Rachel Chesters, UoB Lead Performance Nutritionist

The aim was – and continues to be – to ultimately improve Ollie’s physical capacities to perform better in the water. We achieved this by breaking down the key components of his stroke, to identify strengths and areas for development we could work on within the gym and pool environments. This is an ongoing project – with 2023 being a successful year for Ollie, it is Paris 2024 in which we would hope to see these improvements really show!” – Vasil Todorov, UoB Strength and Conditioning Coach


University of Birmingham Sport Hall of Fame

Sport Hall of Fame

Thursday 14 September saw the University host its inaugural Sport Hall of Fame evening – and what an evening it was!


The Sport Hall of Fame evening gave us the opportunity to officially welcome and celebrate the very first cohort of UoB-affiliated individuals that have significantly contributed to the University’s rich sporting heritage, as well as the national and international landscape of sport in front of a room full of esteemed alumni, staff and guests.

The University of Birmingham was founded at a time of dramatic change for sport and society, which the institution embraced with open arms in its early years, and continues to do so today. From developing and launching the first taught sports-based degree in 1946, to becoming home to the most comprehensive University partnership the Commonwealth Games has ever seen in 2022, the University of Birmingham has continued to build and sustain the platform required for individuals to reach greatness in their field.

From global breakthroughs to global medals, the University’s investment in sport has paid dividends in its role in the development of sporting participation, performance and expertise throughout its 123 years. We are incredibly proud that we – and all of the many that have come before us – have continued to invest these aspirations and resources into sport. Whether for the recreation, education and health of its staff, students and the public, or for the development of some of Britain’s sporting pioneers and legacies, the University has consistently recognised the integral role of sport in its work.

While it is often tempting to celebrate solely the achievements of the sportspeople themselves, we were delighted that the evening also acknowledged and honoured those that have supported, influenced, contributed to and ultimately paved the way for these successes. This is something that the Sport Hall of Fame will look to continue doing on an annual basis for years to come.

Game Changers

Ever since it was founded in 1900, the University has had a knack of attracting and producing game-changing individuals that have made a significant contribution to their field, whether that be research, academia, sport or all three.


Our Hall of Fame Game Changers have been inducted on the basis of having made a prominent and distinguished impact in sport, contributing insurmountably to its landscape and continued development.

  • Sir Raymond Priestley
  • Albert Davis ‘Dave’ Munrow
  • Bill Slater CBE
  • Barbara Slater OBE
  • Penny Briscoe OBE
  • Mahdi Choudhury

Image of Penny Briscoe OBE

“Receiving this award on behalf of my late-father is very much an honour and very much appreciated” – Tim Slater, on behalf of his late-father Bill Slater (Wolverhampton Wanderers and England footballer, Olympian and former UoB Director of Physical Education)


Behind every great sportsperson is a whole network of support personnel, applying their expertise to achieve those marginal gains and collaborating as a multi-disciplinary team to reach performance goals.


Our Hall of Fame Performance Practitioners celebrates those that, during their career as a coach or performance practitioner, have exemplified this by providing bespoke and/or influencing athletes’ performances significantly towards success at the highest levels within their sport.

  • Bud Baldaro
  • Emma Bachelor
  • Colette Thomson MBE
  • Phil Pask

Image of Phil Pask

“I’ve spent a lot of time in Birmingham – it was awesome when I first arrived here in 1978, but walking through it today is like walking onto Mars! It’s fantastic and great to see the University continue to go from strength to strength.” – Phil Pask (former professional rugby player, England National Squad and British & Irish Lions Squad physiotherapist)


Our Hall of Fame Sportspeople category awards those that have evidenced success at the pinnacle of their sport. This may be an Olympic, Paralympic or World Championships’ medal, or a significant period of sustained excellence at the highest level of competition.

The following individuals not only meet these criteria, but many are either still competing and/or are continuing to make their mark in the world of sport in different ways.

  • Ali Jawad
  • Chrissie Wellington OBE
  • Pamela Relph MBE
  • Lily Owsley
  • Victor Ubogu
  • Laura Keates
  • Lora Fachie OBE
  • Hannah England
  • Paul Manning MBE
  • Kat Merchant
  • Adam Pengilly
  • James Rodwell

“It’s a real honour to be recognised by the University; I loved my time here and it was while I was studying here that I first got on a tandem. It means a lot to come back, even though I don’t recognise the campus any more…it’s really exciting to see the improved sporting facilities, they’re great!” – Lora Fachie OBE (Double Paralympic Para-Cycling Champion)


“It’s great to be back and to be inducted into the Hall of Fame here for the first time; it’s amazing to be recognised for my sporting career. I feel a little overwhelmed to come back and be amongst some really prestigious company here at the University and I’m really surprised to get this honour with the amount of amazing sportspeople that have come through Birmingham. I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved in the sport.” James Rodwell (Olympic Rugby 7s Silver Medallist & former GB Rugby 7s Head Coach)

What an incredible list! We are so proud to be affiliated to such a long and decorated list of individuals, with so many more to celebrate and honour going forward as the Sport Hall of fame becomes an annual event.

“I feel prouder than ever to be the Director of Sport of an institution that has contributed in so many ways to sport. It was a truly inspiring evening!” – Andy Allford (Director of Sport)

We’re looking forward to not only inducting many more game-changing, profile-raising and legacy-building individuals over the coming years, but also displaying all 2023 inductees in pride of place within our fantastic Sport & Fitness facility.