Running trackCategoriesMember News Nutrition

Summer of Nutrition: Optimise your run

Optimise your run 

Whether it’s a 5km, 10km, half-marathon, marathon or ultra, everyone seems to be training for a race or running in some capacity!


Whilst your overall nutrition (daily intakes) and fuelling and refuelling (the nutrition you take on before, during and after running) will vary considerably depending on the distance you are running and your training volume, there are a few general principles we can apply across the board to support all runners.

*High-protein diets are generally safe for most as long as you are not compromising intakes of other nutrients (such as fats, carbs and micronutrients). If you are unsure, please check with your GP first.

Campus 3k run

Nutrition tips for running


  • In the 1-4 hours before a run, athletes should prioritise good sources of carbs to fuel them. Particularly within the 1-2 hours pre-run, snacks and meals should be high-carb, low-fibre, and low-fat to make them easy to digest and prevent an upset stomach. A good example would be a white bagel topped with banana and jam.
  • For runs longer than 60 mins, it is recommended to have some carbs during exercise. Generally, 30 grams of carbs per hour is recommended for exercise lasting 1-2 hours, 60g for exercise lasting 2-3 hours, and even up to 90g for exercise lasting over 2.5 hours! Again, this carb source should be low-fibre, low-fat and easy to digest. Good examples include energy gels, chews, sweets, and sports drinks. *If you have never taken on carbs/food during a run before then start small (e.g., one gel = ~24g carbs) and build up from there – your gut needs training, just as you do!
  • To refuel and recover, aim to get a source of carbs and protein within 30-60mins post-run. A good example is Greek yoghurt with granola, mango, berries and honey. **The exact amount of carbs/food required pre- and post-run is dependent on the individual, duration of the run, etc. I recommend working with a SENR registered Sports Nutritionist if you want personalised recommendations.
  • Don’t forget to stay hydrated/rehydrate throughout – see my previous blog post on hydration!
  • Keep an eye out for signs of undereating for the training you are doing (see below). Prioritising rest, fuelling/refuelling and eating a little more overall may rectify these symptoms but if not, please seek the help of a SENR Registered Sports Nutritionist or your GP.

Why is my nutrition important?


Eating enough for the training you are doing is important for maintaining good health, adapting to training (getting fitter and faster), and preventing illness, injury and fatigue.

Good hydration, fuelling and refuelling strategies will also benefit your performance, reduce the risk of an upset stomach when running, and support recovery and adaptation so you can continue to progress in your training.

Signs you might be under eating


  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue (that is more than expected given training volume)
  • Periods becoming irregular or absent in females
  • Low libido in males
  • Reoccurring injury or illness
  • Feeling cold often


Salmon, egg etc

UoB Performance Nutrition lead Rachel’s Instagram channel: @rcperformancenutrition

Chickpeas in a cupCategoriesMember News Nutrition

Summer of Nutrition: Hitting your protein goals

Hitting your protein goals this summer

Recommended daily protein intakes are higher for exercising individuals. Protein is needed for good health, recovery and for building and maintaining lean mass (muscle mass)!

How much protein do I need?


It is generally recommended that exercising individuals get 1.5 – 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. So, for a 70kg person, this would be 105 – 175g of protein per day. Whether said person aims for 105g or 175g per day (or somewhere in between) depends on their training and goals (I recommend working with a SENR Registered Sports Nutritionist if you want personalised recommendations).


However, not everyone is tracking their protein intakes (and certainly not everyone should). So, see below some easier tips to help you reach your daily protein needs as an active person.

Salmon alongside vegetables and lemon slice

Tips to hit your protein goals


  • Aim to include a source of protein in every snack and meal (or every 3-4 hours). This not only helps to reach your overall goal, but also stimulates ‘muscle protein synthesis’ throughout the day to support lean mass and recovery.
  • Aim for this protein source to include at least 20-25g of protein, especially at mealtimes (see some example sources below).
  • You don’t need protein supplements to reach your daily intakes, but when used in moderation within a high-quality, nutrient rich diet (e.g., you’re getting 5-7 portions of fruit and veg, healthy fats and enough carbs for the training you’re doing each day), then they can make reaching your targets a little easier. *Remember to opt for batch-tested supplements if you are a competitive athlete.
  • If you are plant-based, aim to combine protein sources within a meal to create ‘complete’ protein sources (e.g., rice and beans within a veggie chilli). You can also opt for higher protein carb sources within your meals (i.e., opting for quinoa or chickpea/black bean/edamame pastas over regular pasta or white rice).
Pieces of tofu with sesame

Examples of 20-25g protein


  • 1x small chicken breast
  • 4x large eggs
  • 200g Greek or Icelandic yoghurt
  • 1x fillet of fish or tin of tuna
  • 1x tin of baked beans or 250g of black or kidney beans
  • 150g chickpeas or 150g tofu

*High-protein diets are generally safe for most as long as you are not compromising intakes of other nutrients (such as fats, carbs and micronutrients). If you are unsure, please check with your GP first.

Rachel’s Instagram channel: @rcperformancenutrition

UB Sport branded water bottle in bottle holder on exercise bikeCategoriesMember News Nutrition

Summer of Nutrition: Keeping hydrated

Keeping hydrated this summer

Staying hydrated is important all year round but the warmer summer weather brings some additional challenges and considerations for the hydration strategies of athletes, gym goers, runners, etc. Here are some tips for staying hydrated whilst training this summer!

Why is hydration important?


Not drinking enough fluid leads to dehydration which is detrimental to both health and performance. Dehydration increases core body temperature, heart rate and even your perceived rate of exertion (making exercise feel even harder!).


Fluid is lost through breathing, urine and sweat (so you can see why people who are active in summer need to be proactive in staying hydrated!).

Glass of water on table

Tips to stay hydrated

  • Drink water to hydrate when you wake up and sip on water throughout the day.
  • If you struggle to drink plain water, try adding sugar-free squash or a lemon slice to your water to flavour it.
  • Aim to drink around 350-500ml in the 2-4 hours pre-exercise, or more if your urine is dark.
  • Add an electrolyte tablet to ~500ml of water to drink after intense training sessions (e.g., sessions longer than 60 mins in duration, or in the heat, where you sweated considerably) to replace the salts lost in sweat.
  • Use urine colour to gauge hydration status throughout the day. Drink more if urine is dark and ease off if urine is clear/colourless.
  • Don’t over consume fluids – particularly plain water without electrolytes if you have sweated considerably.

Watch the video here!

Rachel’s Instagram channel: @rcperformancenutrition