Sport Scholarships

The Elite Dual Career Athlete Pathway

The Elite Dual Career Athlete Pathway (EDCAP) provides sector-leading dual career support that mirrors that of a UKSport world class performance programme and is tailored to the individual needs of our highest performing student-athletes at the University.

We pride ourselves on offering the most comprehensive and extensive sport scholarship programme in the country, providing high-performance student-athletes with access to bespoke specialist support services, expert practitioners and state of the art facilities within our dedicated Performance Centre.

Our team of specialist practitioners collaborate with key stakeholders both in- and external to the University, such as Coaches, National Governing Bodies and Academic Partners, in order to align dual career support and develop world-class athletes aspiring to compete at major international championships during their time at UoB, or shortly after graduating.

The EDCAP consists of two tiers: a one-year Talent programme which provides a pathway on to the Elite programme, for those that meet required performance standards. Both awards consist of very similar support, but the Elite tier receives more individualised support and funding. The total value of an EDCAP scholarship award ranges between £8-12,000.

Ollie Morgan pictured swimming mid backstroke, coming up for air

Meet the 2022/23 EDCAP Scholars

Breakdown of the award

Criteria for consideration

Student-athletes currently excelling at a junior international standard (or above) within an Olympic and/or Commonwealth sport. Students of all nationalities and years of study are eligible to apply and be considered for a sport scholarship, including those on post-graduate courses.

Disclaimer: meeting the above criteria for consideration does not guarantee you a place on the Elite Dual Career Athlete Pathway.

How to apply

Wave 2 EDCAP applications are now open for entry. Please use the form below to apply. 

Applications for EDCAP have now closed. Thankyou for your applications. 

Please note: we can only guarantee a reduced academic offer to those who apply in the first wave of applications and that are already in receipt of an offer from the University of Birmingham.

For those individuals in Year Two and upwards, please be aware that your application will only be reviewed and considered during the second wave of applications. The timeline with all corresponding dates can be found below.

Apply now

University of Birmingham Elite Dual Career Athlete Pathway (EDCAP) Scholarship Application 2025-26

Please complete the form below to apply for the EDCAP Scholarship. You may wish to have your supporting statement and records of your sporting achievements prepared before starting the form. By completing this form, you are consenting to the University of Birmingham contacting you regarding sport scholarships. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Review UoB Sport & Fitness’ Privacy Policy at the bottom of our website.


Please include your full postcode

(If applicable – 10 digit number in format 123-456-7890)

If applicable

(e.g. Unconditional / ABB)

(e.g. Sport & Exercise Science, BC17)

(Please note whether UK or Home Country and which age-group)

Please list your major achievements in your sport over the past two years, starting with the most recent. Please detail the year in which the achievement took place, your age at the time, the event, the standard of representation (e.g. club, county, international) and result.

To help us gain further insight to you as an athlete, please list your realistic performance goals for the next 12 months (up to 3):

Please specify level and dates.

Please specify level and dates.

E.g. World Class Programme, TASS, Sports Aid etc. Please specify amount and period of provision.

Please select all that apply.

Please briefly explain how you would benefit from an EDCAP Sport Scholarship and why you think you are deserving of the award. Please include references to our specialist sport services & financial support, and how they would influence your long- and short-term goals.

Application Timeline

1 November 2024

Wave 1 EDCAP applications open

22 January 2025

Deadline for all Wave 1 EDCAP applications

17 February 2025

Wave 1 EDCAP Scholarship Interviews

1 June 2025

Final deadline for all EDCAP applications

TBC June 2025

Wave 2 EDCAP Scholarship Interviews

For Medicine and Surgery (A100) or Dentistry (A200) 2026-27 applicants who have been identified by the UoB Sport Scholarships department as high-performance athletes, the standard UCAT score threshold to be invited to interview will be reduced by up to 10%. To be considered for this privilege, please contact Sport Recruitment Manager Helen Waters before 30 September. Any contextual offer made would be subject to being accepted onto either the Elite Dual Career Athlete Pathway or a Performance Sport Scholarship (see Applying to Medicine and Surgery or Applying to Dentistry).

Want to support an EDCAP scholar? If you are a friend or alumni of the University and interested in supporting our Sports Scholarship programme we’d love to hear from you, please contact us on [email protected] and one of our experienced philanthropy managers will be in touch – thank you!

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Hugh Sproston looking towards the camera

Hugh Sproston

Sport Scholarship Manager

Helen Waters Headshot

Helen Waters

Sport Scholarship Officer